Troubleshooting Tag Rules

If a rule doesn't trigger, it's because of 1 of the reasons below.

Reasons a tag doesn't get applied

❌ The rule condition doesn't match the Shopify data exactly

  • Example: "some word" is not the same as "Some Word"
  • ✅ Solution: Change the rule condition(s) to match the Shopify data exactly

❌ Tag is longer than 40 characters

  • ✅ Solution: Shorten the tag name, Shopify allows 40 characters on order tags

❌ Tag has special characters that Shopify rejects

  • ✅ Solution: Use only letters, numbers, and hyphens in your tags

❌ An app or person edited the order after Order Automator

  • ✅ Solution: if you expect the order to be edited, put a delay on Order Automator, in the Dashboard page so your rules get processed after editing is complete

❌ The rule was not enabled

  • ✅ Solution: click the icon in the Enabled column next to the rule

Reasons a tag rule notification email doesn't get received

If you have a notification attached to a tag rule and the email doesn't get received, check to see if the tag got applied.

  • If the tag got applied, the notification was sent. See this checklist for help solving.
  • If the tag did not get applied, see reasons above

Testing an order

See Testing Orders for a quick way to test an order while you're creating or editing tag rules.

Submitting a ticket

If you went through the checklist and couldn't identify the reason, send the information below and we'll help you understand why.

  • The url of the order details page (to get the order ID + your store ID)
  • Screenshot of the order details (top part of the order details page in Shopify admin)
  • Screenshot of the order timeline (timeline of events on the order details page)
  • Screenshot or description of the rule you expected to trigger
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