Troubleshooting Amazon
If you haven't seen the setup guide yet check that out here.
Product not syncing inventory
- Confirm the sku has inventory at location FBA | Order Automator
- Inventory section on the variant details page in Shopify
- Confirm the Amazon SKU matches the Shopify SKU exactly
- If not, update the SKU Map section in the Amazon settings
- Stock sync updates every 10 minutes
Order not fulfilling
- Check the order timeline, it will usually show what happened
- Confirm a fulfillment request was made
- Check for messages from Amazon
- Confirm the order was paid (by default unpaid orders don't get accepted)
- Confirm the order wasn't on hold (see About order holds in Troubleshooting Fulfillment)
- Confirm the sku has inventory assigned to the Amazon location
- Inventory section on the variant details page in Shopify
- Confirm the Amazon feature is enabled
Order rejected by Amazon
- If Amazon rejected the order because the chosen shipping method is not available, you can instruct Amazon to ship Standard shipping by doing this:
- Click Request fulfillment on the Shopify order details page then type Standard in the message field
- If Amazon rejected the order because it already exists in Seller Central, see "Submitting a 2nd Amazon order" below
Submitting a 2nd Amazon order on the same Shopify order
When an order is submitted to Amazon it gets created like this: order number + .1 (ex: #1000.1)
To submit a 2nd request to Amazon, for example if you added more items to the order after Order Automator processed it, submit a custom order number to Amazon:
- Tag the order OA Amazon Order [new_order_number]
- Ex: OA Amazon Order #1000.2
- Click the Request fulfillment button
Manually marking an Amazon order fulfilled
To close an order without requesting fulfillment to Amazon, change the location of the fulfillment order:
- Click the 3 dots in the fulfillment order on the Shopify order details page
- Select Change location
- Change to a location you control
- Mark fulfilled
Submitting a ticket
The checklist + the setup guide linked above solves most issues.
If still aren't sure why something isn't working as you expect, send us the information below and we'll help you understand why:
- The url of the order details page (to get the order ID + your store ID)
- A screenshot of the entire order details page (order contents + timeline)
- A screenshot of the Inventory section on the variant details page in Shopify
- A screenshot of the SKU Map with the relevant sku in the Amazon settings in Order Automator
Disconnecting an Amazon marketplace
To completely disconnect and delete an Amazon marketplace:
- Contact us with your store ID and which marketplace you want to remove
- We'll delete the marketplace and fulfillment service FBA [country] | Order Automator, this will trigger Shopify to delete the Location of the same name
- Shopify will assign committed inventory in open orders for that location to your default location
- If you're no longer using Order Automator with any Amazon marketplace, you can de-authorize Order Automator in your Seller Central account
- Settings > User Permissions > Third party developer and apps.