Troubleshooting Amazon

If you haven't seen the setup guide yet check that out here.

Product not syncing inventory

  • Confirm the sku has inventory at location FBA | Order Automator
    • Inventory section on the variant details page in Shopify
  • Confirm the Amazon SKU matches the Shopify SKU exactly
    • If not, update the SKU Map section in the Amazon settings
  • Stock sync updates every 10 minutes

Order not fulfilling

  • Check the order timeline, it will usually show what happened
    • Confirm a fulfillment request was made
    • Check for messages from Amazon
  • Confirm the order was paid (by default unpaid orders don't get accepted)
  • Confirm the order wasn't on hold (see About order holds in Troubleshooting Fulfillment)
  • Confirm the sku has inventory assigned to the Amazon location
    • Inventory section on the variant details page in Shopify
  • Confirm the Amazon feature is enabled

Order rejected by Amazon

  • If Amazon rejected the order because the chosen shipping method is not available, you can instruct Amazon to ship Standard shipping by doing this:
    • Click Request fulfillment on the Shopify order details page then type Standard in the message field
  • If Amazon rejected the order because it already exists in Seller Central, see "Submitting a 2nd Amazon order" below

Submitting a 2nd Amazon order on the same Shopify order

When an order is submitted to Amazon it gets created like this: order number + .1 (ex: #1000.1)

To submit a 2nd request to Amazon, for example if you added more items to the order after Order Automator processed it, submit a custom order number to Amazon:

  1. Tag the order OA Amazon Order [new_order_number]
    1. Ex: OA Amazon Order #1000.2
  2. Click the Request fulfillment button

Manually marking an Amazon order fulfilled

To close an order without requesting fulfillment to Amazon, change the location of the fulfillment order:

  1. Click the 3 dots in the fulfillment order on the Shopify order details page
  2. Select Change location
  3. Change to a location you control
  4. Mark fulfilled

Submitting a ticket

The checklist + the setup guide linked above solves most issues.

If still aren't sure why something isn't working as you expect, send us the information below and we'll help you understand why:

  • The url of the order details page (to get the order ID + your store ID)
  • A screenshot of the entire order details page (order contents + timeline)
  • A screenshot of the Inventory section on the variant details page in Shopify
  • A screenshot of the SKU Map with the relevant sku in the Amazon settings in Order Automator

Disconnecting an Amazon marketplace

To completely disconnect and delete an Amazon marketplace:

  1. Contact us with your store ID and which marketplace you want to remove
  2. We'll delete the marketplace and fulfillment service FBA [country] | Order Automator, this will trigger Shopify to delete the Location of the same name
    1. Shopify will assign committed inventory in open orders for that location to your default location
  3. If you're no longer using Order Automator with any Amazon marketplace, you can de-authorize Order Automator in your Seller Central account
    1. Settings > User Permissions > Third party developer and apps.
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