Notification Variables for Order Emails
These are the variables available for Tag Order rule notifications.
Usage: Put the variable in the editor where you want the data to show. Create a new rule to see the default template.
{customer_name} = Customer name
{order_number} = Order number
{store_name} = Store name, as defined in Shopify settings > General
{tag_name} = The name of the tag the notification is linked to
{customer_email} = Customer email address
{customer_name} = Customer name
{line_items} = Put this where you want the order line items block to show in the email body
- See Line Items below for line item variables
{order_notes} = Notes section of the order
{order_number} = Order number
{order_number_link} = Order number, linked to the order details page
{shipping_address} = Full shipping address
{shipping_name} = Name of the shipping method
{shipping_price} = Total shipping price
{store_name} = Store name, as defined in Shopify settings > General
{subtotal_price} = Price of the order after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips
{tag_name} = The name of the tag the notification is linked to
{total_price} = Sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips
{tracking_link} = Include a link in the email that allows the recipient to update tracking / fulfill remotely
- Remote Tracking on the Auto Fulfill page must be enabled to populate the link
Line Items
If you have the {line_items} variable in the body section, it will populate with the order's line items, showing the image + the contents of the Line Item Title + Line Item Details template fields.
{barcode} = Value in the barcode (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.) field of the variant
{inventory_available} = Inventory level available at the location the line item is assigned in the order
{item_name} = Name of the product variant
{line_total_price} = Item price x quantity minus any line item discounts applied
{price} = Price of the item. If a line item discount is applied, the original price shows next it, crossed out
{properties} = Custom information for the item that has been added to the cart
{quantity} = Quantity ordered
{sku} = Variant SKU
{vendor} = Product vendor name
Changing Font Styles
You can use HTML and CSS in the template editor to modify styles like font size, color, etc.
Wrap text in <b> to make it bold. Wrap text in <em> to make it italic.
Default values
Font size: 15px
Font color: #333
Line item details font size: 14px
Line item details font color: #888
Change the email body font size to 16px:
Change the line item title color to purple:
Change line item details to a smaller font size and lighter color: